This event will be held at the NYSE in New York City on June 25-26, 2013.
Intended for quantitative management experts – academics, professionals and journalists – this conference will aim to confront the research conducted by internationally renowned researchers through research paper sessions and roundtable discussions where academics, journalists and professionals will be invited to participate in debates.
The first annual QuantValley / QMI research conference will explore new developments in statistical signal processing, market liquidity, high frequency trading, contagion and systemic risk, risk parity, and more generally all topics related to asset and risk management. In addition, there will be an opportunity to hear presentations by QuantValley managers.
The conference program and registration form are available online at the QMI website.
Registration for the conference is free but mandatory.
There were 255 registrants for the initial conference: 10% academics, 45% investors, 30% quants and 15% service providers.
We hope you will be able to attend this conference.